
Luxury Living for Less

Along the road to log home ownership, you will eventually hit the inevitable speed bump of wants versus budget. “Wants versus needs” might be the first thing that comes to mind, but a log home has to have the basic needs in order to receive a certificate of occupancy: logs, a kitchen, an HVAC system, a roof, etc. It’s when you you start putting in the wants from your own personal list that your budget gets stretched. You want to infuse your home with the things that will tru…

Designing & Decorating Kitchens

Oceanside Glasstile ( handcrafted these backsplash tiles from recycled bottles to form the jewel in the crown of a rustic kitchen. The traditional olive-toned subway tile sets off  irridescent metallic tile that has been set on the diagonal. Glass tile reflects the light in what could be a dark space over the stove.  1867 Confederation Log Homes Who says you can’t mix materials and styles in an open…

Things We Love

Are you looking for gorgeous Arts & Crafts tile or lighting, a handcrafted bed frame, or a mesmerizing fire sphere? We did a little shopping for things we think will complement your log or timber frame home. The Art of Tile Nawal Motawi started making tiles in her garage and selling them at a local farm market in 1992. Today Motawi Tileworks occupies a 12,000-square-foot facility in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and sells tiles through 400 U.S. stores. Shown here are several styles of tile from the Arts &amp…

Design for Living

The esteemed poet and author Maya Angelou once said, “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” What we know about energy efficiency has increased exponentially in recent years. So now that we know better, there’s no excuse for not doing better when it comes to homebuilding. Not only are energy-efficient building practices an important way to preserve the environment, they lead to a more comfortable home and can also save you money—…

Buying & Developing Your Site

Building a log or timber home in a rural area and/or on undeveloped land can present a unique set of challenges that most other homeowners don’t have to manage. Even if you’ve already selected the perfect plot of land for your new abode, there are certain considerations that must be factored in before moving forward with the site preparation and the actual home construction. If you haven’t found the right place yet, on the other hand, you’ll want to find a real estate broker who knows the intri…

What Are Log Home Preservatives?

Log home preservatives are primary weapons in the fight against wood decay and wood-ingesting insects, safeguarding these structures from the ravages of potentially destructive agents that can damage the beauty and integrity of wood over time. Damage from wood-ingesting insects such as termites, carpenter ants, or wood-boring beetles can be devastating and costly to repair. Fungi, mold, and mildew can cause wood to rot and eventually need to be replaced or create un…

How To Determine Your Budget

Establishing a realistic budget may well be the most critical element in the successful financing of a log home construction project. Determining the overall cost of construction and any necessary financing simplifies the entire experience. A cost estimate and detailed budget include the anticipated expenses for major items such as the logs themselves right down to the types of light fixtures that are to be installed and the nails that hold the structure together. “Work on collecting data,” urges Andy W…

All the House for a Fraction of the Cost

Fractional ownership, also known as “shared ownership,” is a concept often lumped in with timeshares, but they’re only distantly related. Like a timeshare, you have access to a piece of property for a specified period of time each year, which varies depending on the number of owners who  share each property. However, the key distinction between fractional ownership and a timeshare is that in fractional ownership, you buy deeded real estate—you buy a home—n…

Going Green: Green Building Standards

“Green” is everywhere these days—we recycle, we reuse, we try to be mindful of our energy consumption. And as people throughout the country become increasingly aware of their own environmental footprint, the green movement has come to homebuilding as well. Build green and you’ll end up with an efficient home, lower energy bills, a healthier environment, and you may qualify for tax rebates and zoning allowances, depending on where you live. Why Certify?  “The…

Smooth Sailing

Many log home lovers spend years dreaming about how to build their perfect rustic retreat. While taking on an expensive and long-term construction project may seem daunting, careful research and planning in the beginning can eliminate headaches and lead to a happy ending. Here are eight tips for a smooth building process. 1. Do Your Research The first and most important step to building your log home is to do careful research about everything from home mortgages …

Paying for the Dream

The dismal news headlines from coast to coast indicate that the housing market has yet to fully recover from its bursting bubble and the subprime lending fiasco of several years ago. While it’s no secret that housing has taken a beating in the last few years, that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to find construction financing to pay for your dream log home. “It is not harder to get a loan for a log home than it is for a conventionally constructed home,” says Troy …

Eco-Friendly Furniture Part 1

Once you have finalized the plans for your new log home, it’s time to start thinking about how you are going to furnish and decorate it. If you did a lot of research and put a lot of effort into making sure your new home is environmentally healthy and safe, you’ll need to do the same for the furniture for your beautiful home. One of the first things to consider is whether you can reuse any of the furniture from your current home. Can a sofa or chair be reupholstered or refinished? Can a table be refinis…