Photo Gallery of Log Home Exteriors

by | Jul 9, 2021 | Exteriors, Room-By-Room


Log home design is often inspired by homes from more than a hundred years ago. With its weathered gray logs, tan chinking, and shingle roof, this home fits perfectly in its East Coast mountain setting. The covered porch shelters the front door and is a great place to sit and enjoy the fresh air.

RMR Group/photo by Karl Neumann

This log home is similar to the one above in terms of materials—square chinked logs and cedar shakes—but the overall effect is quite different. The style is more contemporary while still pulling elements from historic log homes. The tapered stone bases on
the deck overhang and the window style are characteristics of the Arts & Crafts movement of the early 20th century. Using the same stonework on the chimney gives the home a cohesive look.

The owners of this small home chose a gray stain for the logs and decided not to use chinking. The white trim accentuates the natural stained wood of the windows and doors and the roofline is highlighted by additional wood trim. The overall look is crisp and clean with a nod to European cottage style.

Photo provided by the Metal Roofing Alliance,

This stunning home combines natural and classic elements for a unique style. The standing seam metal roof is both classic and modern. The black- trimmed commercial windows and doors contrast nicely with the warm vertical logs.

RippleCraft Homes/photo by Roger Wade

It must be the round window that gives this unique log home a
nautical style. The center section is the show stopper with its vertical logs and pattern of dark-framed windows. The two wings to the side are perfectly symmetrical as they embrace the tiered deck.

TJ’s Wood Products, Inc.

You can almost imagine looking out of one of the symmetrical dormers into the woods or perhaps over a lake. Each has a sliding glass door that leads to a small deck. The triangular windows in the gables not only bring extra natural light into the second story, they also serve to raise the roof line in two peaks.

Photo by Karl Neumann

A wonderful combination of building materials makes this log home stand out in the crowd. The corrugated metal roof has a rust patina that gives it a historical flair. The same material is repeated under the roof. The rusty tones of the stonework blend beautifully with the chinked logs and vertical log siding.

Town & Country Cedar Homes/photo by Roger Wade

This log home in the woods will never get lost among the foliage. The gray-stained logs stand out from the trees and the turquoise painted trim defines the windows. The cedar flared log posts and twig branch detail give the home its distinct personality.