
Finding the Right Contractor

The successful search for a good builder is a key component of your log and timber homebuilding journey. Choosing the right builder to make your dream home a reality is nothing short of essential. One way to find log and timber homebuilders is to reach out to your log home producer. Chances are good that their experience and recommendations will get the builder selection process going in the right direction. “If you are working with a log home manufacturer’s representative, this woul…

Perfecting the Package

The wants and needs of log and timber home purchasers vary widely, and dealers respond to individual preferences with everything from a basic package with finishes left at the buyer’s discretion to complete turnkey projects. “We know that ‘one size does not fit all,’ explains Robert Lambert of Natural Element Homes in Athens, Tennessee. “In fact, we never deliver a home that is exactly like any other home we have ever done. There is always some degree of customization, either to th…

Far From the Madding Crowd

There’s no question why people are drawn to building on rural property, especially log and timber home owners. What “rural” means can vary depending on who you ask. One person might just mean “not urban” while others might be talking about dense forests or farmland. But most agree on some shared benefits: no two pieces of property are alike, there’s room to spread out without bumping into your neighbor, and you can be miles from the has…

The Build-It-Yourself Backlash

Fifteen years ago, the United States was on the cusp of an unprecedented economic era. The country’s budget was balanced; the economy was booming, thanks in large part to the rise of the technology/dot-com sector; stock prices soared; personal disposable income was flowing and consumers spent it freely. Luxury cars, grand homes, you name it—the United States was rich, and we wanted everyone to know it.  Then, in 2001, tragedy struck as we watched the most horrific terrorist…

Site Planning Essentials

Planning the work and then working the plan is good advice in any situation, but during the construction of a log or timber home these are words to live by. Before the floorplan comes the site plan, which is the document from which everything else about the log or timber home and the surrounding property is shaped, even at times the square footage of the home itself. Understanding the priority of the site plan and the need for a thorough review of the plan can save homeown…

Comfort and Livability

Jerry Locati believes the sky is the limit when it comes to evolving trends in architecture and interior design. Perhaps that’s why his designs are boundless. With a Masters of Architecture degree from Montana State University, and an architecture internship spent gaining experience and professional skills, Jerry Locati establ…

Building for Retirement

Retirement is a phase of our lives that requires very careful planning. In addition to making sure that we have enough monetary security to comfortably embark upon retirement status, deciding on where to live and what type of home to dwell in is nearly as important. Mark Elliott, vice president of New Hampshire-based Coventry Log Homes, celebrating its 20-year anniversary in 2014, says his company produces 25 to 30 percent of their homes for retirees. “The volu…

To DIY or Not to DIY

Serious research, careful planning, and good old sweat equity help put the brakes on cost when building that perfect log home. Each lends itself to a more reasonable bottom line, bringing value and satisfaction to the process while potentially lowering the “hassle factor.” While research and planning are basic, some log home owners choose to invest their own talent and expertise during the construction process, performing certain tasks themselves rather than paying a premium for contracted services. Fro…

Design Advice from the Experts

It’s no surprise your log or timber frame home builder seems to know just the right place to put that reading nook you wanted, or the perfect way to orient your home to take advantage of the views. With hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of homes built and many hours working with homeowners, these professionals have seen it all. And they can tell you what works, and what doesn’t, based on that experience. With just a little bit of investigation, we were able …

Log Versus Timber

The appeal of a log or timber home is the first indicator that such a dream dwelling is in a homeowner’s future. Both building materials captivate the imagination and conjure up images of days spent in leisure, enjoying beautiful mountain or lakeside vistas, watching wildlife, and generally relaxing. But which is best, log or timber? Most often, the decision to build with log or timber comes down to that age-old bugaboo—pricing. Comparing the cost of log versus timber inevitably s…

Construction Time

The average log home can take anywhere from four to eight months or more to build, depending on its size. A custom log home is well worth the time and effort. Prior to construction, you plan for months, sometimes years, to make this vision become real. Because of the many stages that happen before the home is ready to move in, the construction process can seem daunting. Understanding the steps beforehand makes you a well-prepared consumer. It is your knowledge and passion to build a log home that help g…

Home on the Range

Different topographies and climates can impact the log home construction process, and can also impact your experiences as a log home owner. A structure built in the southeastern United States, for example, must be able to withstand hurricanes and tolerate high levels of humidity, while one constructed on the West Coast has to stand up to earthquakes. The elements can take their toll in areas where high winds or extreme cold are prevalent, and natural&nbs…