Sanctuary Hill
Sanctuary Hill

Thinking Ahead

Careful thought and planning are essential before building a log and timber home.  Look before leaping. Take stock of the situation and assess the needs and wants that are driving your urge to build a log and timber home. It’s good advice. Comprehensively consider...

Family Treasure

Building a gorgeous and comfortable lakeside home fulfilled a retirement dream for a California couple. The journey was unforgettable and the destination spectacularly serene. When Jim and Leslie Finn sold their home in San Diego and bought an Airstream...

Don’t Forget!

Things to Remember When Building a Log or Timber Home You might have heard that old saying: “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Well, it certainly holds true with building a home! How many times have you said, “I wish I’d known” or “Next time I’ll …”? The good news...