
Selecting Doors

As the poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Be an opener of doors.” And if those doors happen to be works of art in their own right, so much the better! It might be tempting to think doors are one aspect of your home where it’s safe to cut corners. But details make a big difference, and the doors you choose for your home, both inside and out, can make a major visual statement. A high-quality door should last a lifetime as well as add to your home’s appeal. .

Maintaining Your Log Cabin Home

From the design phase, through construction, and into a long, enjoyable lifetime, the maintenance of a log home is a critical element in retaining that like-new look, controlling present and future costs, protecting resale value, and preserving a significant investment. Owning and maintaining a log home presents ongoing challenges; however, an understanding of the available options during design, completion of construction, and future years facilitates informed decisions and simplifies the process. Rath…

Raising Your Home’s IQ

The impact of harsh winter weather is a big concern for many homeowners, and Michael Leahy’s cabin in northern Minnesota is no exception. To help mitigate the effects of subfreezing temperatures, Leahy has outfitted his home with a customized system that monitors everything from furnace function and propane levels to activity on the property. “Roughly 50 to 100 things around the cabin can be monitored and controlled remotely,” says Leahy. “Beside…

Zero-Net Energy Homes

With energy costs on the rise, it’s not just environmentally friendly to keep your energy consumption reined in—it’s wallet-friendly too! And the best time to consider your energy savings is when you’re building a new home.  If you plan appropriately, it’s possible to build a “zero-net energy” log home. Also called “energy neutral” or “net zero,” zero-net energy (ZNE) homes actually collect or produce more energy than they use, making it possible to live independently from the energy grid. “A zero-…

Westward Ho!

Are cowboys and Indians and ranches and cattle the first things that come to mind when you think of Western style? It encompasses all of these things and so much more. Western style incorporates the Spanish, Mexican, Scandinavian, and Asian cultures brought to the American West by its many immigrants. Settlers who moved from the East to the West brought their own styles with them: Adirondack, North Wood…

Floors for a Lifetime

When choosing flooring for your log or timber home, you don’t have to settle for second best. Selecting the best floors for your lifestyle will benefit your home for many years to come, says Richard Ragone, East Coast sales representative for Montana Log Homes. “Quality floors are one of the most important areas on the inside of a home,” Ragone says. “Short cuts should not be taken.” More styles of flooring are available now than ever before to fit your needs…

Universal Design Gains in Popularity

Though not everyone will be familiar with the term “universal design,” it is a concept that has been a part of the home-building industry since the 1980s. Gaining in popularity worldwide, it is, simply put, approaching the design and construction of a building with a focus on making it comfortable, usable and above all, safe as possible. It benefits all individuals, whether they are short, tall, visually impaired, physically or mentally disabled, young, old,…

The Cabins on Curly Creek

Rebbecca Abair recalls having a passion for designing unique spaces and landscapes her entire life. “As far back as I can remember,” Rebbecca says, “I have been fascinated with small spaces and always pictured myself residing in a little log cabin in the woods.” Her father, a talented design and construction visionary in his own right, taught his little girl how to do roofing, mix concrete, and build all manner of things, from furniture to structures. To date, Rebbecca has designed and built eight diffe…

A Powerful Package

For many,  building a log home is a dream come true, an opportunity to settle into a long-sought lifestyle combining the finest in comfort with the pristine beauty of nature. Making the most of this building project that may occur only once in a lifetime means research, quality shopping, and informed decisions. No aspect of the decision-making process is as challenging as that of balancing comfort, décor, and cost. Therefore, the inclusion of amenities is the subject for detailed discussion. Partic…

Form, Function, and Beauty

The Arts & Crafts movement began in England, the most industrialized country at the time, in the mid-19th century. The founders believed that industrialization was the cause of most societal problems, beginning with the lowest rung, the workers. At the time, manufactured goods were shoddy in both quality and design. Proponents of Arts & Crafts principles believed that good design leads to a good society and that workers should take pride in the…

A Home Away from Home

You’ve set your sights on your ideal second home, and it’s time to bring your dreams to fruition. You’ve picked the site, purchased the land, and decided that a log home will be the perfect fit. In your mind’s eye you see your friends and family enjoying the home for years to come, frolicking in the lake that it overlooks and exploring the wilderness that surrounds it. To make sure that vision becomes a reality, there are a few steps you’ll want to take during your second h…